20+ Admiring Wood Signs Design Ideas To Decor Your Home

1 min read

Business owners pay particular attention to the fine details that are possible when they order custom wood signs because they appreciate just how effective these beautiful signs can be for their business. With so many sizes, shapes, styles, and colors from which to choose, it is simply a matter of deciding on how big to go with all the design possibilities. If the signs are meant for the side wall of a business you can go as big as you wish but perhaps a slightly more modest size would work best.

Choose from a smaller 2 foot by 3 foot or go big with a 6 by 9! It’s all about the planning and how seriously you choose to “brand” your building. Signs are found everywhere from walls to window to doors and they all have one thing in common. They emphasize and they attract attention. So whenever you wish to bring your growing enterprise to the attention of passersby you can’t go wrong with carved or sand-blasted wood signs.


So you have a hobby such as golf or perhaps its race cars. Maybe you are a farmer and want to show off your talents at raising goats or sheep. You can plan and design your very own wooden signs to show how serious and dedicated you are at what you do. “Caution Cattle Crossing” is a popular sign that helps slow down traffic passing down your farm road. Help keep those cows alive and healthy as they cross from one field to another or head for the barn at milking time. Or perhaps its chickens that get run down as they meander around scratching up bugs or whatever you choose to safe guard by adding signs to warn about.

It’s fun and attractive signs that gain attention and are amusing at the same time. Imagine a wooden sign with your own design depicting a man playing golf. He wears his best checked slacks and brightly colored golf shirt as he tees off, just like you do every Saturday morning! Fun and fantastic custom wood signs are meant to be strikingly attractive and make folks smile when they see them.